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Wang Yi warns U.S. not to suppress China’s development when meeting Blinken



Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged the U.S. not to suppress China’s development during talks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday in Beijing.

Blinken is visiting China from April 24 to 26.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said that China views and develops China-U.S. relations from the world vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

He said China’s position and request on China-U.S. ties have always been consistent. China adheres to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation and commits to promoting the stable, healthy, and sustainable development of China-U.S. relations, he added.

China proposes that each other’s core interests should be respected and urges the U.S. not to interfere in China’s internal affairs or cross red lines when it comes to China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests, he said.

Wang said that under the leadership of the two heads of state, China-U.S. relations have been stabilized from further deterioration, and bilateral dialogue, cooperation and positive aspects in various fields have increased, which is welcomed by the two peoples and the international community.

On the other hand, China-U.S. relations are still facing increasing negative factors and various disruptions, Wang said, adding that China’s legitimate development rights are being unreasonably suppressed and China’s core interests have been constantly challenged.

He stressed that whether China and the U.S. should stick to the right path of stability or repeat the mistake of a downward spiral is a major issue facing the two countries, which tests the sincerity and capability of both sides.

The world is waiting to see whether the two countries will lead international cooperation to address global issues and achieve win-win outcomes, or confront each other, even breaking out into conflicts and leading to a lose-lose situation, Wang added. 


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CMG’s 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala lights up Shenyang



A stage photo shows the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. /CMG

The 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, produced by China Media Group (CMG), was broadcast to viewers around the world on Tuesday night.

As a festival deeply rooted in Chinese culture, the Mid-Autumn Festival serves as a meaningful occasion for expressing longing for home and celebrating reunion. The gala unfolded in three chapters, using artistic expressions to bring traditional Chinese culture to life through performances such as songs, dances, operas, and instrumental music. It offered the audience a vivid experience of artistic beauty, cultural richness, and technological wonders.

This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. With over 2,300 years of history, Shenyang is home to more than 1,500 historical and cultural sites scattered throughout the city.

The gala deeply integrated the city’s culture and local characteristics, featuring elements like Shenyang’s shadow puppetry, the local folk dance Er’renzhuan, and the city’s architecture. It also highlighted 13 landmarks, including the Shenyang Imperial Palace, the Liaoning Provincial Museum, and the Chinese Industry Museum, showcasing the region’s rich cultural heritage.

The Gala was also a celebration of cross-cultural artistic harmony, with an appearance by French pianist Richard Clayderman, acclaimed Hungarian pianist Balázs Havasi and one of Kazakhstan’s most popular singers, Dimash Qudaibergen.

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WADA questions integrity of U.S. Anti-Doping Agency



A statement released by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has questioned the integrity of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), which has allowed athletes who had doped to compete for years, in direct contravention of the World Anti-Doping Code and USADA’s own rules. »This USADA scheme threatened the integrity of sporting competitions, which the Code seeks to protect, » read the statement. « Contrary to the claims made by USADA, WADA did not sign off on this practice of permitting drug cheats to compete for years on the promise that they would try to obtain incriminating evidence against others. »WADA also said it found at least three cases where athletes who had committed serious anti-doping rule violations were allowed to continue to compete for years while they acted as undercover agents for USADA, without notifying WADA.It then elaborated with several detailed examples. « In one case, an elite-level athlete, who competed at Olympic qualifiers and international events in the United States, admitted to taking steroids and EPO, yet was permitted to continue competing all the way up to retirement. » »Their case was never published, results never disqualified, prize money never returned, and no suspension ever served. »WADA did not name the athletes in question, citing security concerns in case they faced retaliation.WADA also called it « ironic and hypocritical » that USADA suspected other doping organizations, while USADA allowed cheats to carry on competing on the off chance they might help them catch other possible violators.

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JO DE PARIS 2024 Une équipe féminine rwandaise pour représenter le continent africain au volleyball



L’équipe féminine rwandaise de volleyball assis est l’unique formation africaine à participer aux Jeux paralympiques de Paris 2024. A cette occasion, nous vous présentons le portrait de sa capitaine Liliane Mukobwankawe.

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